
Poetry Anywhere is a mobile-poetry-performance-art piece in which personalized typewritten poems are crafted instantaneously in exchange for a donation.

I borrowed this concept from the San Francisco poet, Lynn Gentry, back in 2010. He kindly gifted me a turquoise Olivetti and encouraged me to channel my spoken word obsession into a typewriter. It was then when I fell in love with composing poetry under pressure and sharing often powerful moments with complete strangers on the street. 

Back in Ann Arbor, Michigan, I began busking at my neighborhood Farmers Market every weekend. I unknowingly joined a large group of street poets around the United States. Since then, I've taken my Olivetti to New York, around Spain, Bulgaria, and back to my native Los Angeles. 

My main motives when performing Poetry Anywhere are purely for human interaction and unpredictable experiences. Most of my work, and definitely the best of it, passes into other hands and disappears from view. I prefer not to keep a carbon copy or photo of my poems as I feel it takes away from the present moment. 

However, there are some examples on the next page. Enjoy!

Photo by Felice Simon

Photo by Felice Simon